Iran seeking UNESCO tag for exquisite mountain lake

TEHRAN – Iran is preparing a comprehensive dossier for Lake Gahar to be submitted to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in near future, ISNA reported Saturday.
Encircled by snowcapped mountains, exquisite alpine lake is a bustling tourist resort in western Iran that attracts many sightseers and environment buffs every year.
The property is nestled under the southern wall of Oshtorankuh range in a protected nature reserve. It is made up of two smaller lakes that are situated within 100 meters of each other named the Upper Gahar and the Lower Gahar in Lorestan province.
There is no motorway to the lake and the best-recommended way to get there is to climb. Beginning at the ranger hut and car park at Haft Cheshmeh, 23km from Dorud, the walk-in skirts of the mountain flanks and takes four hours.
Even if one doesn’t hike, great views justify the car journey as far as Darb-e-Astaneh, a mud-house village 18km from Dorud.
The lake is among the best sample of lakes that has been appeared due to the landslide. It is fed from rills and springs flowing from adjoining highlands. The climate is generally sub-humid continental with winter precipitation, a lot of which falls as snow.
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